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Next stop Malibu…rum that is…

March 1, 2013

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My first vacation without my parents, I went to the Bahamas with my girlfriends. instead of living it up on the beach, I found myself sitting at a payphone crying to my mom that I wanted to come home. At the stern advisement of my friends and a couple of very strong rum drinks, I began to enjoy my trip as the Charlie’s Angels(the three of us were called that everywhere). I am about as extroverted as they come, inside my comfort zone, but outside I become a shell of myself. I have traveled to many more places since then and have become more and more adventurous as time has gone by. Now I find myself living in Paris and faced everyday with something that challenges me. That brings us to the metro. If I could name one thing that embodies all of the things that send my stomach tumbling, it would be ….the metro. The smells alone are enough to send my stomach churning, not to mention the giant furry dust bunnies that seem to be gathering to attack! Where do they come from anyway? Maybe from all of the animals that travel with their owners, the people who don’t find it necessary to carry “doggy bags.” Animals are free to do their business wherever it happens. Not getting lost amongst the everyday shuffle, while guarding your personal items on and off of your body, can be very difficult. For someone not used to public transportation, I would have to say that it’s not really all that bad. It is actually pretty convenient. I just make sure I map it out first and find out which stops I need to enter and exit at. Thankfully my first trip alone took me to lunch with Ben. I was there in no time and I made it there and back unscathed and my lunch where it belongs! I still think a couple of rum drinks would make great travel companions! Alcohol kills everything, including germs and furry dust bunnies! Here are a few snapshots of my neighborhood, I took on my way back from the metro!

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One Comment
  1. Mom permalink

    No phone calls this time rum must be working…lol
    Looks like a beautiful neighborhood

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